Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 15th-22nd

Calendar Dates:
November 15th Newsletter coming home
November 17th Early Out!
November19th- Ar Assembly 10:45
November 23rd Thanksgiving Sing

 Math: In math this week we are reviewing Time and getting ready to take our test on time.
We will start our multiplication facts with 0 and 1's, 5s, 10s,
Please ask your students some questions using the clock.
We will be working with using the calendar in math.
 Reading: This week in reading our story is called The Story Julian Tells.
Vocabulary words: cartwheel,beyond,fastened,mustache,collection,seriously, 
Our class read is called Charlotte's Web students will take a test at the end of the story.
Computers: Our class will be discussing things we are Thankful for and creating a page in the lab this week.
Spelling words will be in this weeks homework folder.
Science: Students are learning the phases of the moon.
We have enjoyed having students from SUU help us with activities that go along with the moon.
Language Wall:  This week we will focus on the concepts of our language wall.
Reading Calendars and Golden Sneaker calendars are due at the end of each month.